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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bed Tent Saga Part Two

It's storytelling time again. Time again for another story of Divine Providence and just all around incredible Heavenly Love. Oh, and also, it's the Bed Tent Saga part 2 and hopefully the last part forever.

Many many many many years ago, before I had children, I ran a web site. Actually, a few web sites. A bunch of yahoo groups. One was for Jewish Music fans. One was for Miami Boys Choir fans. One was for lovers of Judaica novels. As you can see, the writing bug bit me the moment I was born. I was a blogger even back then. But anyway. I digress.

The very second person to sign up for one of these groups - I'll leave it deliberately vague to protect their privacy - was a really nice single guy. He was very active in the group and helped bring it off the ground. The group was very close knit then, and we were very excited when he got engaged. We met him and his kallah at a concert, and we even went to his wedding. It was a pretty cute time in my life... we met all kinds of interesting people back then.

Fast forward many many years. The groups disbanded. I lost touch with him and his wife. Then 2 years ago Dovi got diagnosed. I joind an online group for special needs parents. And there, in the group, to my shock, was this sweet lady we had met years ago. She was dealing with a special needs child too.

So we hooked up again, after many years. She had some connections and ideas for me and was supremely helpful. (That's how it works in this 'biz' - NETWORKING!)

Fast forward many months. I'm on Facebook, complaining and complaining about Dovi's bed situation. I spoke to my Medicaid Services Coordinator about getting the Noah's bed. Medicaid didnt agree; "they don't want their kids restricted."

This very special lady contacted me, and told me about the Pedicraft bed. I wanted it very badly, but knew that Medicaid would never cover it. Never fear, said Very Special Lady. You dont need to go through your MSC. Get a letter of necessity from your doctor and a prescription. She gave me direct contact info to the local company who deals with this company and the bed.

A Heavenly Hand guided the process. It went smoothly as butter. The bed was approved. And it arrived today. It's a beauty. I can't wait for Dovi to sleep in it tonight.

Hopefully, the days of midnight wanderings, broken bed tents, replacement rods, disassembling and reassembling tents, etc - are over. And I think Dovi will love this bed. I hope so.

So thank you, oh so special friend. And just to think that HaShem wanted me to start that group in 2001 so that in 2013 I would finally find a solution to Dovi's sleeping arrangements. INCREDIBLE.


  1. You know, I always loved your writing, but when you bring Divine Providence into the mix, it is just so uplifting! Thanks for the inspiration. As usual I am in awe of you,

    1. chani... that's the only way. Acknowledging HaShem's Hand in my life is the only way I can survive.

    2. Hello,I just wanted to thank you very very much for your blog. I don't know if Medicaid will approve us but without your blog, I wouldn't have known about calling the supplier company directly and getting their help to get this paid for through Medicaid with a Letter of Medical Necessity. My son has had several "accidents" getting out of the bed at night and your blog was a blessing for this very stressed out Mom. I am agnostic and I do believe in a higher power - even if I am not sure of its name.

  2. Would u share ur Facebook name? Would like to check it out?

  3. This bed is a beauty! Dovi's probably enjoying it to it's fullest :)

  4. That looks fantastic. My twins have destroyed Ready, Set, Bloom tents (nice owners) and Safety Sleepers (no comment about owners). Maybe we could get two of these!!

  5. My insurance company says it is a "behavioral problem" and will not cover such a thing. Is there something special that helps get it approved? Thanks in advance.

    1. That is what medicaid in Florida told me and I did appeal it but still lost. At 8 he still sleeps in a baby crib with the recalled crib tent, which is the only way he will go to sleep.

  6. Yes. My doctor stressed the safety issue. IT's ironic, btw, bc Dovi ripped off one of the zippers tonight and nearly escaped. I will have to request a service call from the vendor in the morning. IT's been a stressful night. He has broken so many tents already. I wish I had the time to write a follow up post about this and a few other tents that we've tried. I have a newborn baby and no time! Someday...

  7. Most mother and father are far too acquainted with the issue of their children battling when they are sent to bed. It's bad enough at night-time, but getting them to take an mid-day nap is even more intense. And the most severe thing Beds in tents The more you battle, the more they deal with the issue, creating it almost difficult to get them to rest.


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