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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Best Tactile/Proprioceptive Sensory Toy EVER

Move over PlayDough, balloons, rice, sand.... Welcome GAZZ-IT / FLOAM.
It's cleaner, more fun (cuz it's stretchy), never dries out, doesnt leave such a mess, and best of all, Dovi doesnt eat it, or swallow it. And even adults enjoy the sensory experience of rolling and kneading this compound.
I bought the GAZZ IT locally (and you can find it at Dollar Tree), but on Amazon I found it as PlayFoam.
Fantastic for OT and sensory touch.




  1. I'm going to get it. I'd heard about it and seen it before, but my kids don't yet have any. I'll rectify that. thanks! :)

  2. Thanks for this suggestion. I think my kids will love it.


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