I spent five days going through all of the old posts on this blog and updating the Amazon links. (I'd been wondering why I didn't seem to be successful with the affiliate program and I see why - those links were really corrupt.) With the introduction of the amazon CPM program, a new fire was lit under me to get the blog really rolling again.
We're away for the summer at the bungalow colony and life is, thank G-d, a little easier right now. So I'm hoping to put up one post a week for the next couple of weeks. There's some interesting / fun / insightful stuff to write about.
We're heading up to Dovi's residence on Sunday to celebrate his ninth birthday. I have not seen him in a month (though I talk to his caregivers almost daily and they have been posting pictures on Facebook, so I'm up to date on his goings-on), and we're very excited :).
If you clicked above, your reward is the most recent pic we have of Dovi. If you're my friend on Facebook or a real life friend, you've seen it already. But if you're not, here's your reward :).

Welcome back! I have aspergers and adhd. Nice to meet you! Do you have facebook? Im also a photographer and artist.