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You have hopefully found this blog either through a google search, a link from another site, or Facebook, Twitter or Imamother.

Let me tell you Dovi's story, and why this blog came about.

Dovi was a beautiful, perfect baby. He was born full term weighing 7 pounds, 2 ounces. He hit all his milestones on time - even early sometimes. He walked at a year, and started having early words. He had the most gorgeous blue eyes and blond hair (he still does).

Then, at 19 months of age, I noticed that something was amiss. His vocabulary was not increasing, he was losing eye contact, and he was spending a lot of time laying on the floor in his room touching his eyeballs and staring at the ceiling. Something was seriously wrong.

Within a month, he was diagnosed with PDD-NOS, which is an Autistic Spectrum Disorder.

I was so lost. I had nowhere to turn to. In my community, people keep these things to themselves. I had so many questions, and no answers.

2 1/2 years down the line I have many of these answers, and I want to to share these answers with other Autism Moms who are looking for them.

Check out the Table of Contents to find the posts you are looking for - whether you want to read Autism Symptoms, The Evaluation Process, Product Reviews, Sensory Solutions, or Resources and such. Since this blog is just a work in progress, I will keep adding pages and links - keep checking back!

You can contact me at or leave a comment on any of the posts if you would like to communicate me with privately. I've been through the early stages of diagnosis and the five stages of grief. I'd love to help you.

Dovi's Mom

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